• Q: Can I purchase art pieces with or without the frame?

    Yes, most of our art pieces are available both framed and unframed. Please select your preferred option from the dropdown menu on the product page before adding the item to your cart.

  • Q: What is your return policy?

    We process and ship all orders within 24 hours of purchase. Delivery times vary based on your location and the shipping method selected. Please note that while we take great care in packaging items for shipping, we are not responsible for damages incurred during transit.

  • Q: What if my item arrives damaged?

    If an item arrives damaged, please contact the shipping carrier to file a claim within 48 hrs of delivery. We recommend saving all packaging materials and documenting the damage with photos. While we are not responsible for shipping damage, we will assist you with the claim process wherever possible.

  • Q: Can I contact you for more information about an item?

    Yes! Should you have any questions or need further details about any of our products, please feel free to contact us at info@twomuchstyle.com prior to your purchase. We are more than happy to provide additional information to ensure you are completely satisfied with your decision.

  • Q: Do you offer international shipping?

    Yes, we ship internationally. However, delivery times and charges vary significantly depending on the destination. International customers are responsible for any customs duties or taxes incurred.

  • Q: How can I schedule an appointment to view an item?

    As we operate mostly by appointment only, please contact us to schedule a visit at schedule@twomuchstyle.com